Active Moving, Inc accepts all major credit cards, checks and cash. We do not keep any of your credit card information and do not share it with anyone. It is only being used based on the agreement between us and our customers strictly for the specific job purposes. All of the information and order details is 100% secure with our company. 

Our site features SSL certificate on all of our pages so browsing is also secure. All of the info that you might provide to send us an email or request a quote is protected by some of the best security features on the internet. If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding payments or our secure browsing please contact us.

Every page on our website is 100% secure along with your info. You can verify that by simply looking in the browsers address bar as it will show HTTPS in the beginning of any of our web page addresses and url's. This SSL certificate is the latest standard of running a secure site that handles customers' information.


Active Moving Inc 

2365 E 13th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229

888 266 8369

212 400 6666

718 648 4188

Live Customer Service: Sunday - Friday 8:00AM - 8:00PM

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